Bulletin: 159
Date: June 1, 2023
Despite the efforts of the producers to maintain the price of PET, the decrease in the price of its raw materials and the low demand have caused a new decrease.
The registered price decrease has not only been in virgin PET, but has also affected RPETs in their different classifications.
In the following graph you can see how the price of PET has not stopped falling since June 2022.
If we carry out a correlation analysis of PET with Brent oil, we observe that its index is 95%, for the period indicated in the following graph.
The actions carried out by OPEC+, Russia included, reducing production to try to increase the price of crude oil have been unsuccessful.
The fear of a world recession and the lower activity of the Chinese industry, the world’s main importer of crude oil, have slowed down the attempts to recover its price.
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