Bulletin: 136
Date: October 2021
PET. – The forecast has been fulfilled and PET has seen its price increase strongly and its average price so far this year is already one of the highest in the last eight years.
The significant increase in the cost of energy has been the most determining factor. Some production companies have made announcements of extra price increases for this concept. Some, in just over a month, have reported an increase of € 250 ton.
The price of PX and MEG have already reached pre-pandemic prices and everything seems to indicate that they will continue to rise because oil continues to rise.
– The CPI in Spain shoots up and reaches 5.5% until October. This sharp rise is mainly due to increases in the cost of energy and fuel and gas.
This increase has been the highest since 1992.
- Profits until September of the main Spanish banks.
BBVA 3,311 MM €
TOTAL 15,182 MM €
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