Bulletin: 152
Date: November 7, 2022
PET.- Until the month of June, the trend was to anticipate that in 2022 the historical record for the price of PET, located in 1995 at an average of 1,730 €, would be surpassed; however, as of that date, the price has begun to fall and until October it has reached an average of 1,670 €/MT
This past October has been characterized by a certain confusion. On the one hand, a lower than normal demand and on the other, a great disparity in offers.
While national spot offers have moved around €1,450/Tm, import offers from Southeast Asia and the Middle East have moved around €1,200-1,250.
For November, everything points to a new decrease in the sale price of both the national supply and imports.
As the month of November progresses, everything seems to indicate that the level of 100 USD per barrel will soon be surpassed.
In these first days of this month, the average price has already reached 95.57 USD/barrel with a maximum last day 7 of 99.56 USD/barrel, which certifies that the reduction in production by more than 2, 1 million barrels per day begins to bear the fruits expected by OPEC
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